Thursday, December 30, 2010

Julius Winsome

Sally recommended this one and it's a real treat.  I love the serendipity of choosing the right book at the right time.  Reading Julius Winsome in the midst of a snowstorm is definitely the way to go, but if you can't conjure up a storm, that's ok, you'll still enjoy it.  

The title character is seemingly normal at first, though a bit reclusive.  He lives in a secluded cabin in northern Maine and doesn't get out much.  His dog, Hobbes, is his sole and beloved companion.  When tragedy strikes Hobbes, Winsome goes from normal to nuts without much preamble.  We later learn that both nature and nurture had a hand in his mental deterioration, but dang, give a girl some notice!  

I started this novel on the heels of a blizzard.  I walked Walter outside that morning to find snowdrifts up to my waist.  I promptly turned into Jack Nicholson in the Shining and had to take to my bed.  Luckily I was able to blame my withdrawal from our house guests on my chest cold, but something about being shut in like that tripped my panic switch and I wound up doing deep breathing exercises for quite some time before getting my act together.  Needless to say, I found I had an alarming bit of common ground with Mr. Winsome.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  The writing is spartan, but highly affecting.  Keep an eye on this guy.  I expect more great things from Donovan.  Thanks for the recommendation, Sally.

Julius Winsome: A Novel