Saturday, February 5, 2011

Alice Munro

Could she possibly be more talented?  I just finished Too Much Happiness and Runaway.  For some reason I tend to stay away from short stories, but I'm so glad I made an exception.  These stories are just haunting me.  Nobody can break a heart like Munro.  I'm curious about her personal life.  She clearly knows sorrow.  It's so gratifying to read fabulous books back to back.  

I read Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage years ago and remember being utterly impressed, so I can't account for why it took me so long to return to this author.  I'm just glad I did.  Once again, I'm having trouble picking up anything new because I fear it will suffer in comparison.  Suggestions anyone?  I'm all ears.

Too Much Happiness: StoriesRunawayHateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage: Stories

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